
More than Meets the Eye

Curiosity is my creative muse. As an artist I enjoy the opportunity I have to show other versions of what can be seen. I’m inspired to express what catches my eye and share that impression with others.

When I drop into my “Art-Space” unexpected compositions appear and what I see can become a potential Still Life. The reality seen in nature is often my starting point when I work. But find it impossible to create something that still looks like "the real thing" when I finish. Each painting reflects its own life and is always somehow — different. Drawing and painting are my main mediums but collage has come to play in recent years.

As an artist I enjoy exploring new visual territories – finding new ways of reflecting and expressing what I see. I hope to awaken the hidden artist in people.

I’m pretty sure I was an artist long before I realized that’s what I wanted to be when I grew up.  My first home was Pleasant Hill, California and my earliest memories are of climbing trees and building secret forts in the grass and rock formations. I was surrounded and saturated in the natural beauty of California landscape. I was living in the canvas’ I would later paint. This was my first studio.

I have lived and worked in San Anselmo, California for over 30 years. Marin County continues to feed me with natural inspiration and a community that fuels my creativity.

My goal is to bring something artistic and personal to the visibility the Internet has to offer. We all have a certain "look" and the Internet is a stage for artists to uniquely express Who We Are and What We do.

A website provides a personal stage for artists to present their creations to a technically visual world. I believe this is a valuable resource all artists should utilize. I find the unique style of each artist and apply it to designing of one of a kind artistic websites. I encourage artists to claim their World Wide space and make creative use of it.

I specialize in Web Design for Artists.

It's always Showtime on the Internet

Nancy Nichols at ICB in Sausalito

My Clients Are Creative Trail Blazers!

Art On the Wall

Image of West Marin painting available as a print. Original purchased by Marin Free Library.

This program was created so that all Marin County residents would have access to original works of art to enjoy in their homes.